Porky Roach Craft Focus
Over the years, porky roaches have evolved in several ways. Many modern roaches have a base that is much longer than historic styles which ranged in length from 6" to around 12". Today, base lengths as long as 24" are often used and rather than a solid color of red or white deer hair trim, many roaches feature bright colors such as turquoise, yellow, purple, pink and others. Another modern innovation is the use of "flashes" of color, which are basically stripes of different colors . . .
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Porcupine Roach Care & Storage
An item that will contribute to a nicer looking roach is a tapered wooden stick on which to wrap it. A quick way to make one of these is to use a small baseball bat. Another method would be to carve a piece of wood to this same shape. Either one should also have a flat area down one side that conforms to the shape of the base and causes it to lay flat when it is wrapped on the stick. If your roach base is fairly narrow (approximately 2" to 2-1/4" wide at the front) . . .
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Porky Roach Kit Instructions
No other headgear, with the exception of the Plains warbonnet, personifies the North American Indian as much as the hair roach. This article offers online the Porky Roach Kit Instructions included by Crazy Crow Trading Post in its hair roach kits.
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