Porky Roach Care: Elastic Bandages - 3" x 60"

Porky Roach Care: Elastic Bandages - 3" x 60"

Porky Roach Care: Elastic Bandages - 3" x 60"

Product No. 4540-950-001


Normally: $8.95

Quantity Price
1-2 $8.95
3+ $8.05

In Stock

Product Details

Porky Roach Care: Elastic Bandages - 3" x 60" are perfect for wrapping porcupine hair roaches..

The very best material for wrapping your new roach is an "elastic (Ace-type) bandage" that is 3" wide. In order to make wrapping easier, always roll the bandage up before beginning.

See Crazy Crow's Porcupine Roach Care & Storage article for complete Porky Roach Care instructions and wrapping stick suggestions.

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