Deluxe Adjustable Beadloom
It’s not often that someone is truly able to build a better mouse trap. But when it comes to the classic bead loom, that’s what Crazy Crow has done with the introduction of their new Deluxe Adjustable Beadloom. For making loom beaded strips, the ideal loom should have certain features: Able to accommodate a variety of lengths and widths, can be used with a wide range of bead sizes, easy to store, adjustable with minimal effort, economically priced, easy to use, and suitable for the needs of Beginners through Advanced Beadworkers.
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Selecting Needles & Thread for Craft Project
Needle sizes are like bead sizes; the larger the number the smaller the size. A #10 needle can be used with 10/0 beads, a #11 with 11/0, and so on. The #12 Sharps and #15 Beading needles are the smallest sizes available so they are best for 14/0 to 16/0 beads. However, some beads may have holes that are too small even for these needles.
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Seed Beads & Pony Beads.. MIX OR MATCH?
The more a crafter uses seed and pony beads, the more he realizes that there is a lot to learn just about the beads themselves. Most of us start by using Czech beads, then discover modern-made beads from Italy, France, Germany, India, China, Pakistan, Japan, Taiwan, and elsewhere. But we figure that selecting beads will be easy, because they come in different size designations, and most everyone sells these according to the Czech system. . .
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