Rendezvous Clothing
When getting started in Buckskinning and Mountain Man Era reenactment for rendezvous or black powder shoots, it’s easy to run out (or get online) and purchase whatever apparel you discover that looks like it would suit your needs. . .
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Getting Dressed Up for Your First Mountain Man Rendezvous!
Take a look at our Mountain Man Rendezvous Clothing & Accessories article on "dressed for your first Mountain Man Rendezvous". In addition to discussing the topic in general, we feature a number of books and DVDs that, while prepared for Mountain Man historical reenactors in general, offer information that will be particularly helpful to beginners.
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Tricorn Hat History
Perhaps one of the most iconic and easily recognizable fashions from the American Colonial era and extending throughout the Revolutionary War was the Tricorn Hat. Popular in Europe and America throughout most of the 18th century, it was known at the time as a Cocked Hat or Three-Cornered Hat. Towards the end of the 17th century, the large wigs worn by some men made it impractical for them to wear the broad-brimmed hats that were then in style. Article discusses tricorn hat history, evolution, civilian and military use and more.
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