Costumes of the Plains Indians

Costumes of the Plains Indians

Costumes of the Plains Indians

Product No. 4101-200-900


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Product Details

Wissler - Costumes of the Plains Indian, an important work from 1915, by the famous anthropologist Clark Wissler, is a full-color, comparative study of the forms and distribution of Plains Indian men's shirts, coats and women's dresses featuring specimens in the American Museum of Natural History. In this modern version, actual color photographs have also been added to supplement many of the original black and white illustrations. Any student wishing to discover tribal and regional characteristics of Plains war shirts, dresses and coats will find this a valuable resource. 64 pages. Produced in an 8.5" x 11" format, it includes 36 detailed color photos. SC.

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Someone forgot to tell the printer to turn the press off (seems that way)! We have an overstock of these titles (Indian Rawhide: An American Folk Art by Mabel Morrow and Costumes of the Plains Indian by Clark Wissler), and offer great savings on these titles. SAVE 40 PERCENT when you buy both books together!

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