Half-Legging Kit (Botas)

Half-Legging Kit (Botas)

Half-Legging Kit (Botas)

Product No. 4872-100-001


Normally: $45.00

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Product Details

Botas were a half-legging especially favored by trappers and hunters in the Southwest, yet variations of them were worn by trappers and even some Indians all the way to the Canadian border.

They protected the lower legs of riders and men on foot from cactus, mesquite thorns, and heavy brush. They're also great for helping helping keep dirt and snow out of your moccasins. These botas could be highly decorated or left fairly plain.

Botas Kit Includes:

  • tough durable double sueded leather
  • lacing
  • red wool for binding
  • needle
  • simulated sinew
  • well-illustrated instructions provide options for the all-leather version or the leather style pictured which has an optional canvas backing and fastens with buttons (not supplied)
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