Getting Dressed Up for Your First Mountain Man Rendezvous!
Take a look at our Mountain Man Rendezvous Clothing & Accessories article on "dressed for your first Mountain Man Rendezvous". In addition to discussing the topic in general, we feature a number of books and DVDs that, while prepared for Mountain Man historical reenactors in general, offer information that will be particularly helpful to beginners.
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Flintlock Fowlers: The First Guns Made in America
Tom Grinslade- Landmark pictorial study of 18th century American flintlock fowling pieces features guns ranging from Club Butts & New England guns to those of eastern Kentucky, along with their origin & construction. Over 160 of these firearms, dating from 1700 to 1820, are covered, with detailed descriptions & numerous photos highlighting important aspects of each. A special, full-color section, with 59 detailed photos, highlights aspects of some of the most important & decorative pieces. 248 pages & over 950 high quality photographs.
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Engraving Historic Firearms by John Schippers
By far the finest book ever written on hand engraving of firearms as well as other items, Engraving Historic Firearms is the result of painstaking research, practical knowledge and almost 50 years of experience. It is now the standard reference for engravers & collectors alike, and the step-by-step instructions on learning to engrave make it the only book available from which an engraving student can actually learn this skill.
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