American Indian Beadwork
4103-005-021Product Details
W.Ben Hunt and J.F. "Buck" Burshears - Step by step procedures for doing American Indian beadwork, from loom beading to rosettes, with descriptions and illustrations of each technique. Photos of Native American beaded items like belts, bags, moccasins, clouts, etc.
American Indian Beadwork includes:
- Directions for beading stitches
- Directions for making and stringing a loom
- 54 black & white photographs of actual Indian beadwork
- 14 full color pages of 132 authentic Indian patterns for your own beadwork
- Tribes include: Apache, Sioux, Ute, Ojibwa, Blackfoot
- 65 Pages~ 8 x 11~Full Color & Black and White Illustrations~Softcover
About W. Ben Hunt: Traveled widley, visiting pueblos and hogans of the Southwest and reservations of the Midwest and Canada to acquaint himself with Indian lore. While he was living and camping with the Indians, they gave him the name "Tasunka Witko", which means Crazy Horse. He was also known as "Kachina Ben" because of the Kachina Indian dolls he was so adept at carving. In addition to being a well known Boy Scout leader and adviser, Mr. Hunt was a writer who regularly contributed to professional scouting magazine articles on Indian and other handicraft projects. View illustrated Mark Theil article about Ben Hunt (PDF file)
About J.F. "Buck" Burshears: a longtime Boy Scout leader, formed within the Scouts a unique group known as the Koshare Indian Dancers. The boys interpreted native dances, made costumes, and studied the history and lives of various tribes. During his travels with the Koshares, Mr. Burshears amassed one of the most extensive collections of Indian artifacts and handcrafts in the country.