Beadwork Techniques of the Native Americans - Scott Sutton

Beadwork Techniques of the Native Americans - Scott Sutton

Beadwork Techniques of the Native Americans - Scott Sutton

Product No. 4103-001-900


Normally: $19.95

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Product Details

Beadwork Techniques of the Native Americans by Scott Sutton- Unlike other beadworking books, this one not only teaches the basics but imparts many tricks of the trade that a beginner usually picks up only after much trial and error. Sutton is a long time accomplished beadworker with several hundred projects to his credit. With dozens of photos and illustrations, Scott discusses loom beading, applique, gourd stitch and moccasin making. One of the book's highlights is the color photo gallery with an array of fine beadwork examples, both historic and contemporary.

96 pages & 300+ color photos, SC.

Customer Comments:

I teach High School in Oklahoma and I am contacting you in regard to Beadwork Techniques of the Native Americans book by Scott Sutton. We do different rotations with some classes and at times teach different beading techniques. Using your book, I was able to teach myself to do Peyote beadwork. I would like to offer that as an option to some students on our next class rotation. I would like to commend you on how well written and illustrated this section of the book is. I was able to follow the steps and produced a lovely finished piece. Vonda

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