Beads and Cabochons: How to Create Fashion Earrings & Jewelry - Lyman

Product Details
Beads and Cabochons: How to Create Fashion Earrings & Jewelry by Patricia Lyman is for anyone who enjoys making and wearing their own beautiful jewelry. You will not want to miss this new twist on beaded jewelry. Cabochons are round or oval pieces of precious or semiprecious stone (or acrylic) which are domed on top and flat on the back. When surrounded by glass beads, stone beads or other natural materials, they make gorgeous pieces of jewelry that everyone will want to create and own.
Beads and Cabochons provides step-by-step instructions for making Cabochon Designs describe the basic technique used. Overlaid or Applique beading stitch is explained and the Peyote Stitch instructions were described by one reader as "the only ones I've been able to follow without actually seeing it done." And, there is much, much more.
295 illustrations; 13 B&W photographs; 4 pages in full color; SC.