A Pilgrim's Journey: VOL. 2 (1996-2005)

A Pilgrim's Journey: VOL. 2 (1996-2005)

A Pilgrim's Journey: VOL. 2 (1996-2005)

Product No. 4156-020-209


Normally: $36.00

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Product Details

The second volume of A Pilgrim's Journey feature the second ten years of Mark A. Baker's columns from the pages of MUZZLELOADER. The only book of its kind, each volume of A Pilgrim's Journey includes over 300 pages of scouts, hunts, treks and how-to information useful in reenacting the American frontier period. From flintlocks and moccasins to shooting bags and knapsacks, Baker explores the way of life of the Colonial woodsman. Learn about the clothing, accouterments, food and skills from an era that helped forge the American spirit and a new nation! 319 pages. SC.
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