Pennsylvania Longrifles of Note, New 4th Edition

Pennsylvania Longrifles of Note, New 4th Edition

Pennsylvania Longrifles of Note, New 4th Edition

Product No. 4165-009-562


Normally: $30.00

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ENHANCED & EXPANDED REPRINT WITH OVER 300 FULL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS of 48 rifles! EXPECTED IN mid-December, so order your copy today!

George Shumway – A newly expanded, comprehensive introduction to Pennsylvania Longrifles as works of art. Forty-eight rifles are illustrated and described, along with new, detailed photos and much new information that has been uncovered since its original publication in 1968. These highly-decorated and well-documented pieces represent most of Pennsylvania's important schools of gun making, from the Lehigh Valley in the east to Pittsburgh and Beaver County in the west. 104 pages with over 300 full color photographs & illustrations, 8-1/2" x 11", Softbound.
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