Fry Bread Recipes From Various Tribes
Indian fry bread recipes may vary from region to region and from different tribes. A typical frybread recipe consists of flour, water, salt, a small amount of oil, and baking powder. The ingredients are mixed and worked into a simple dough and covered with a cloth for 30 minutes to an hour, until the dough rises. It is then formed into small balls and are either rolled or pulled into flat discs prior to frying in hot oil. We offer the following fry bread recipes from various tribes for you to try. One thing for certain, they will all taste great!
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Indian Fry Bread History: Explore a Complex & Fascinating Story
Navajo Innovation, Reservation Rations & the Mexican Tortilla - Ask most folks in American about fry bread and you will find that they consider it a traditional Native food. While this may be true given its origins, it is not an accurate description of its historical roots. Fry bread was created by the Navajo in 1864 when the U.S. government created the reservation system and the distribution of food commodities to the peoples and tribes ‘moved’ there whose way of life (and feeding themselves) had been disrupted.
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