Extra Special Porky Roach - Deer Hair Base, 10" Porky Hair, 24" Long Base

Extra Special Porky Roach - Deer Hair Base, 10" Porky Hair, 24" Long Base

Extra Special Porky Roach - Deer Hair Base, 10" Porky Hair, 24" Long Base

One-of-a-kind! No Backorder

Product No. 4546-921-109


Normally: $1,495.00

No Longer Available

Product Details

We occasionally have a monster roach available and this is another exceptionally fine example! It has 3 rows of super long 10" porcupine hair in front and is 24" long! Expertly tied with red, blue & yellow striped deer hair both inside and out, it has a beautiful, matching clipped deer hair base of red, blue and yellow. It comes wrapped with an ace bandage on one of our custom ash roach sticks for proper storage. We very seldom have roaches with porky hair this long and this is one of a kind, so get it while you can! Another Super Roach from Crazy Crow!

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