Norwegian-Styled Solingen Knife Blades, Possum 3-1/4"

Product Details
Blade: 3-1/4"; Thickness: 3/32" Similar to, but far superior in quality to the popular Norwegian blades, these Solingen produced versions are made from the finest German high carbon steel available. Produced in the old world quality with great attention to detail, they are expertly hand sharpened and polished to a high finish, resulting in a blade that is not only easy to sharpen but will hold a very keep edge.
ABOUT THE STEEL: Solingen Carbon Steel (5431-***-***)
These blades are from several different drop forgers and many are old stock from manufacturers who are no longer in business. Therefore, we only know that they are produced from high carbon steel with typical German quality controls. They normally test between Rockwell 57 and 58.
Details about the steel used in all Crazy Crow Trading Post knife blades.
View other Norwegian-Styled Solingen knife blades below.