Porcupine Guard Hair

Porcupine Guard Hair

Porcupine Guard Hair

(1 oz. pkg)

Product No. 1825-993-800


Normally: $95.00

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Product Details

This is the long, fine porcupine guard hair used in making porky hair roaches worn by Native American male dancers of many different powwow dance styles.

The porky hair is packaged in 4-6" bundles containing enough varied length hair for a 15" roach.

Everything You Need to Make Porcupine Hair Roaches (also Horsehair & Fiber)

Crazy Crow Trading Post offers everything you will need to make any quality of Porky Hair Roach or roaches made of horsehair or fiber. From porky hair and the deer hair (deer tails is all the popular colors) that goes outside and/or inside, to German Silver spreaders and rockers, select pairs (or singles) of hand painted imitatiion eagle feathers for your spreader, to kits, videos and instructions.

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