Natural Bronze & Mottled Turkey T-Base Fluffs, 4"-6"

Natural Bronze & Mottled Turkey T-Base Fluffs,  4"-6"

Natural Bronze & Mottled Turkey T-Base Fluffs, 4"-6"

(1/2 Ounce)

Product No. 1073-005-460


Normally: $8.00

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Product Details

Priced per 1/2 oz., Ounce and 4 oz. packages.

These fluffs, sometimes called "T-Flats", are excellent used in old-time bustles, mandalas, dreamcatchers, Southeast style turkey fans and trim feathers in various other craft projects. The Mottled are a mixed beige and white with dark brown and white stripes across the tips. The Bronze are a beautiful beige and dark brown color with iridescent stripes across the tips.

Packaged loose.
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