The Plains Warbonnet: Its Story & Construction
The most comprehensive work ever produced in print about the plains warbonnet, by Barry Hardin, published by Crazy Crow Trading Post. Filled with color images and descriptions of museum examples, as well as historic photos. Large photos and color illustrations take you step by step through making a variety of authentic styles. This book addresses this misconception and other fascinating myths and realities pertaining to the warbonnet, including its evolution. Softcover, 128 pg, 130+ photos (most color), 35+ color illustrations.
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Turkey Feather Preparation Tips
Today, feathers often have broken tips; however, this is normally not a problem because in most cases this flimsy tip should be trimmed off before use in order to strengthen it. These quality issues are due in part to the way turkeys are raised, as well as increasing government regulations, fewer suppliers and fewer processors of raw feathers. We furnish our special, fully-illustrated "Feather Preparation Tips" sheet free with all Wing Feather Orders. To help you prepare your imitation eagle feathers for the best possible results in bonnet construction, we offer these online Imitation Eagle Turkey Feather Preparation Tips
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