Feather Dancer Photo Gallery
Introducing Crazy Crow's powwwow dance styles photo & media gallery. Images & video organized by dance style to make it easier for you to find great ideas for your powwow dance clothes.
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All Hackle Super Deluxe Bustle Kits ("5-6")
4850-014-20These are our finest quality hackle bustle kits and the latest style for Fancy Dancers, featuring all hackles and the popular new "flagging". Our extensively illustrated instructions allow even the beginning craftsman to produce a fine set of bustles that are correctly made from the best materials.
All Hackle Super Deluxe Bustle Kit with 5"-6" hackles includes:
ORDER INSTRUCTIONS: Please specify 1 color each for Hackles for the Outside Row, Middle Row, and Base Row; 2 or 3 colors (red, white, blue, yellow, orange or green) for plastic tape, and 1 color (red, white, blue, or fluorescent yellow, green, red & pink) of flagging tape.
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