Beaded Moccasin Tops - American Indian Style Designs

These beaded moccasin tops will save you hours of time, giving you a pair of nicely beaded moccasins, sneakers, or aqua shoes with very little effort! These imported tops feature authentic designs, this lazy stitch beadwork on heavy canvas panels can be easily sewn to your finished footwear. Fits men's sizes 6 to 9 but can be made larger by adding your own row of lazy stitch after they are attached to the moccasin.

There has always been a great demand by our customers to carry an economical line of beaded strips, cuffs, clouts and rosettes, so we carry a very nice line of imported beadwork to meet this demand. We also carry lazy-stitch rosettes for old-style blanket strips and shirts, as well as Indian-made beaded medallions.