Genuine Damascus 7 Gauge Skinner Knife Blade, 5-1/4"

Genuine Damascus 7 Gauge Skinner Knife Blade, 5-1/4"

Genuine Damascus 7 Gauge Skinner Knife Blade, 5-1/4"

(5.25" long; 3/16" thick)

Product No. 5435-301-525


Normally: $79.00

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Product Details

Made of real Damascus steel, this Genuine Damascus 7 Gauge Skinner Knife Blade (5-1/4" long x 3/16" thick) is a true work of art, being hand-forged with hundreds of layers that form the beautiful Damascus patterns! Considered the best in the world, Damascus steel is known for taking and holding a fine edge, as well as being extremely durable. Choose from our most popular styles (see related items below) and to compliment these fine blades, select from our high quality German guards & pommels shown on Knife Making Supplies.

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